Hypselecara Temporalis
The Chocolate Cichlid has a wide area of distribution and is known from the Solimôes-Amazon River and Oyapock River basin in Brazil, the Amazonas drainage in Colombia, and the Rio Ucayali drainage in Peru. Here, this gentle giant is most commonly found in calm pools and the slower flowing sections of turbid rivers. The aquarium should be spacious, with a soft sand substrate and plenty of hiding places/visual barriers created using driftwood, rocky caves, and robust planting such as Java Fern or Anubias sp. tied to the decor. Filtration should be efficient but water movement not too vigorous, and small frequent water changes will help keep nitrate to a minimum. Chocolate Cichlids are fairly easy-going for a cichlid of this size, and as such can be kept alongside other fish of similar size and temperament that enjoy warm, soft water. Good companions could include Uaru, Angelfish, Severums, silver dollars, and large armoured catfish. Chocolate Cichlids are mildly aggressive towards conspecifics and as such are best maintained singly or as a compatible pair. However, if a pair choose to spawn in a community setting, they will become much more aggressive towards the other fish, but this should not present too much of a problem in voluminous aquaria. May also be seen on sale as the Emerald Cichlid.
Care Level: Easy
Colour Form: Blue, Green, Brown
Diet: Omnivore
Max Size: 25cm
Family: Cichlidae
Tank Size: 250L
Temperature: 24-28c
pH: 6.5 - 7.5
*Product Photo is for reference only. Exact fish may vary in size and colour.