Hygrophila polysperma, also known as dwarf hygro, Indian waterweed and dwarf hygrophila is one of the hardiest aquarium plants available in the aquarium hobby. It is so resilient and forgiving, that you almost have to set out with the intent to kill it, to really fail with this plant.
Dwarf hygrophilia doesn’t require any special care, and will grow nicely in even the most basic aquarium setup. You can add CO2 to a tank containing dwarf hygro – but it tends to be overkill, and should only be provided if other plants need it. While it doesn’t require CO2, it does benefit from the addition of trace minerals, and these should be added after every water change. I personally use Seachem Flourish Trace Elements
, and I have enjoyed great success with it.
*Plants may arrive looking slightly different to pictured as some are grown emersed. Rest assured, after a short time in the aquarium the plant converts to its underwater form.